NAHB Courses


Tearra Dotson is licensed by NAHB Education to present the following courses

How to Craft a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy, Marketing and Sales for Building Professionals, The New Home Sales Professional, Website Best Practices for Maximum Lead Generation.

How to Craft a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy

This course will help you understand the critical role of a strong marketing foundation in the success of a marketing program as it relates to and parallels the importance of a well-built home foundation. You will also learn to identify the core components of a marketing foundation in the context of home building, including website development, branding, and content creation.

Marketing and Sales For Building Professionals

Today’s customers are demanding, selective and very well-educated. So how do you stand out from the crowd and make your brand relevant? This course will give you an overview of the many types of marketing and sales tools available today to help you build your unique brand and a positive reputation so you can engage potential customers, clients and referral partners.

The New Home Sales Professional

Are you ready to sharpen your sales presentation and place yourself in the top percentile of new homes sales professionals? We often find ourselves doing the same thing based on habits or what “seems” to be working, but for those that want more, this course will allow you to sharpen or reshape your sales skills and tactics.

Website Best Practices for Maximum Lead Generation

Elevate your digital presence and drive more new home sales. Designed specifically for the home building industry, this overview course will guide you through the essentials of creating a website optimized for lead capture. Learn how to make key technology selections, build trust, and develop compelling calls to action that engage and convert potential home buyers. The course also touches on effective strategies for driving targeted traffic to your site, including SEO, paid search and social media.